I - Angelic Favorites Favorites selections from the angelic tape series for your relaxation, meditation and healing. You will love the beautiful sounds of piano, strings, flutes and angelic choir. CD II - Miracles of the Light An exquisite blend of instrumental sounds that open the heart and uplift the spirit. Enjoy this spiritual symphony of wonderful piano, strings, synthesizer and more. Please click on the CD Covers to download your FREE Sample! |
Welcome to the Angels` Circle Of Love.
Visualize a great Circle of Angels. You are standing inside the circle. As you breathe in sweet breaths of peace and love, a beautiful rainbow comes to rest just above your head. You feel so loving and so full of joy. You will never be the same again. And somehow you know this meditation will live on with you.You will keep it safe within your heart forever. AFFIRMATIONS: I am a loving child of the light. Nothing can disturb my joy and peace. I am loving... and I am loved. I love the Angels and the Angels love me. I AM that I AM. "BE still and know that I Am God." Be still and know... Be still...Be. "SILENCE IS GOLDEN" Remember, the stillness is within.Love and light, Ann "ANGEL MUSIC" Ann loves the Angels and she has recorded inspired Angel Music on cassette tapes. Many people, in several countries around the world, have experienced empowerment and healing as they have listened to the music. Strings,flute, piano, and angelic voices blend in a beautiful symphony of heavenly sound. To learn Ann's story, Click Here ***** NOTE: Tapes start at $5.95
each plus shipping and handling. For more information, please send your name and address to Ann`s e-mail. Ask for your FREE brochure. Email Address: ~Poem~ "ANGELS OF HEALING" By N. F. Pleason Angels of healing, I can hear you nearby, Rustling through the gold-lit-sky, Will it by possible for you to stop by? Angels of healing, from you I feel no harm. Come - oh come, and rest upon by arm. Please come. NOTE: If you would like to receive a Free copy of "Celestial Messages" by N.F.Pleason, please write: Golden Pathways, P.O.Box 8245, Mesa, AZ 85214. |
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